Back on the Road Again!
We're off on our next adventure -
We are back in Moshi, Tanzania for our annual technology education trip, this time for 4 weeks, instead of 2 weeks. Moshi is located in the northeast corner of the country, near the Kenyan border and at the base of Mt. Kilimanjaro. The country is as beautiful as ever. We have a spectacular view of Mt. Kilimanjaro from our hotel window. Below, we see the bustle of street activities, little shops selling their specialties – shoes, clothing, plumbing, plastic chairs, tailors, electronics, shoes, vegetables and so on. It’s a colorful hodgepodge of capitalism.
A few years ago we decided to volunteer on a project in Africa. The opportunity we found where we could work together was to teach Microsoft Office skills to at-risk women. Unbeknownst to us, the volunteer organization we signed up with switched their focus to primary schools and we found ourselves at Jamhuri Primary School with 6 old computers, one teacher who spoke English well and a head teacher who wondered what the heck we were doing at their school.
Mark & Betsey